
Intellectual Property Law. Labor relations and disputes

About practice «Intellectual Property Law. Labor relations and disputes»

We work ahead of conflicts and stalemate situations with employees who were loyal just yesterday. Any blunder by the employer in the execution of personnel documents will always be used against the employer. For that very reason, we recommend setting up and maintaining your HR document flow at the appropriate level for the entire duration of your business, taking into account the latest changes in legislation, as well as taking into account the history of a particular business and relationships established with employees in the enterprise. Our solutions and comprehensive approach in identifying and eliminating problems guarantee the neutralization of both external and internal detractors. We help to optimize business costs in terms of payroll and seamlessly implement KPI systems, mitigating employee dissatisfaction. We train and instruct your responsible employees in proper document management. In the event of conflicts with employees and state authorities, we are always ready to provide legal assistance at any stage of its development.
Personnel audits in companies with more than 300 employees
Out-of-court settlement of labor conflicts in 40% of cases, including through mediation
20+ webinars held at partner sites in 2020
Claims from the state labor inspectorate were reduced by more than 10 million rubles
Today, one type of business takeover is what is known as "intellectual" raidership. Due to a low level of legal awareness in the field of intellectual property law, one can lose one's business if it has a registered trademark but does not use it properly or does not have sufficient evidence for this. And one can also become a victim of various kinds of fraud or extortion the main attribute of which is your material asset or one very similar to it. There are more and more such precedents.
That is why we urge businesses to take an extremely careful attitude toward this area of their activities. We help to create, secure, and protect your intangible assets, which may be created by employees or third parties or purchased by you from someone else. We analyze, introduce a trade secret regime in the company, create a work for hire "regime", and formalize the emergence of rights to certain objects of intellectual property rights. We conduct inventories in order to identify intangible assets and protect them, which ultimately increases the potential for commercialization of such assets.


Leading Russian companies in Labor and Migration Law — Group IV

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