
Insolvency and Reorganization law

About practice «Insolvency and Reorganization law»

Bankruptcy is a statutory procedure in which the debtor, creditors, and the bankruptcy commissioner are all involved.
The advantage of our practice area is that we have the necessary tools for accomplishing objectives, which include a methodology for requesting and analyzing preliminary information, investigation of the state of the potential Debtor along with the accompanying financial intelligence activity, and the development of a specific action plan in the procedure.

Our mission is to help businesses. We understand how to run a business as efficiently, safely, and sensitively as possible while keeping costs to a minimum.

The Practice Area Team will create a detailed step-by-step project implementation plan for you that will enable achievement of the goal with minimal risk. Clients will always know where they are in the project and what the next steps are.

The Bankruptcy Proceedings Support Practice Area Team has unique skills enabling them to successfully represent both the creditor and the debtor when
  • assisting in the closure of the company and to protect the assets of the company's management and owners in the event of bankruptcy;
  • solving the problem of keeping the client's business running, even in the face of an on-site tax audit;
  • developing an anti-crisis plan for the recovery and support of existing businesses;
  • pursuing the highest possible repayment of creditors' claims, including through subsidiary liability;
  • challenging transactions and prevent the debtor's assets from being withdrawn.
  • According to the bankruptcy market research of, our Winrate is equal to 97%.
    The total value of assets of persons controlling debtors which have been protected from subsidiary liability with our help exceeds RUB 5 billion.
    We have conducted due diligence on transactions related to bankruptcy for a total amount of more than RUB 4 billion.
    Andrey Krupskiy heads the Committee for Protection in Judicial Disputes and Bankruptcy Proceedings of the Moscow City Branch of OPORA RUSSIA

    Our Awards and Ratings


    Leading bankruptcy law firms – Group 3

    Russia's leading bankruptcy firms –Group VI

    Top 30 law firms most often involved in bankruptcy disputes (97% winrate in bankruptcy disputes) – 2nd place in the Russian Federation


    Leading Russian companies in the category

    Insolvency and Reorganization Law: corporate bankruptcy – Band 2


    Andrey Krupskiy in the Insolvency and Reorganization Law category

    David Kononov in the Insolvency and Reorganization Law category

    Corporate Bankruptcy Proceedings Support
    Comprehensive Corporate Bankruptcy Proceedings Support
    Protection from Subsidiary Liability
    Representation of interests during the court's consideration of a petition for subsidiary liability/losses
    Bankruptcy Road Map
    Description of the Necessary Steps to Implement Bankruptcy Proceedings
    Road Map for Protecting Personal Assets
    Developing Reliable and Realistic Mechanisms to Protect Personal Assets
    Preventing the Imposition of Subsidiary Liability and Losses on Persons Controlling the Debtor
    Recommendations and Measures for Preventing Situations Which May Cause the Imposition of Subsidiary Liability
    Debt Collection via Bankruptcy
    Mechanism Allowing the Client to Obtain Money from a Debtor in the Absence of Voluntary Repayment
    Imposing Subsidiary Liability
    Mechanism for Recovering Debt from the Debtor's Management 
    Challenging Transactions in Bankruptcy Proceedings
    Mechanism Enabling the Return of Assets to the Debtor's Bankruptcy Estate through Challenging Transactions
    Bankruptcy Due Diligence on Transactions
    Strategic Analysis of an Upcoming or Concluded Transaction
    Support of Auctions for the Sale of Property
    Full Support of the Procedure for Purchasing Assets at Bankruptcy Auctions
    Bankruptcy Risk Diagnostic Checklist
    Comprehensive Test Allowing the Timely Diagnosis and Resolution of a Company's Problems and Risks